Su-34 will Revolutionize Aircraft Air Support

Su-34 Russian

endent military analyst in the analysis published on news sites and geopolitical analysis and quoted Sputnik Thursday, September 15, 2016 stressed that the Sukhoi Su-34 has proven itself as a ground attack aircraft is very capable. 45 ton aircraft capable of flying Mach 1.8 is designed to carry up to eight tons of weaponry, has a tactical radius of 4,000 km and an altitude of 18,000 meters.

The aircraft can also be equipped with up to three additional fuel tanks, which allow it to fly 8 hours without refueling.

After being tested in conditions of real combat in Syria since last year, Vasilescu explained that one of the conclusions drawn by the experts of the Russian military is expanding the capabilities of this aircraft for ground attack missions to replace the aircraft armored Sukhoi Su-25 [aircraft close-air support] ,

If the Su-34 turns into the actual air support aircraft, it must be confident entry into range of portable surface to air missiles, anti-aircraft guns and small arms fire.

"For this reason, the Su-34 need to steel plates to protect the flight deck, engine, fuel tank and flight control systems. Dome cabin and the front windows must also be armored. "

Layers of this armor, according Vasilescu, will require the use of 15-30 mm titanium, nylon coating to stop the fragmentation of the explosion. This plane must be able to withstand armor-piercing projectiles and explosives between 23 and 57 mm.

Analysts noted that the Su-34 already has a sophisticated electronic countermeasures against MANPADS and short-range radar-guided missiles.

The system consists of a radar warning system L-150 Pastel, decoy flare launchers APP-50 and electronic countermeasures system KNIRTI SPS-171 / L005S.

Additionally, this aircraft has a passive radar array scaned electronically multi-target, allowing it to hunt down enemy aircraft and equipment at a range between 200-250 km.

The aircraft is also equipped with a rear-facing radar and can be equipped with a search radar M402 Pika side. Besides jamming system L175V / KS418, allowing it to be used as a jammer battlefield.

Vasilescu stressed that when heading for the best design of armor, "it was not so difficult for the Russians, given the successful experience with armor Su-25. Su-25 has a length of 15.5 m, a wingspan of 14.3 m and a height of 4.8 m, while the Su-34 23.3 m long, 14.7 m wide and has a height of 6.1 m. "

Thus, armor Su-34 will have a weight between 800 and 1,000 kg, two times higher than the Su-25, which has armored weighing 500 kg. This process will be completed in 2018, when the first group of 12 Su-34 will be operational for ground attack missions.

As a fighter-bomber with ground attack capability, logical that the Su-34 can be equipped with air-to-air missiles and short-range distance, including R-77, R-27 and R 73.
Su-34 operating in Syria to quickly accept these missiles after the F-16 Turkey Shoot down the Su-24M Russia in November 2015.

Among other benefits of armored Su-34 is the ability to climb and fly at altitudes between 8,000 and 12,000 meters, allowing pilots to familiarize themselves with the tactical situation on the ground with the aid of onboard sensors, before swooping down to attack.

"The selection and monitoring of the target continuously been done using airborne radar and electro-optical targeting system Platan mounted in the fuselage. It is equipped with a system to measure the distance to the target using laser telemetry. "

Aircraft armored Su-34 is expected to carry out attacks against ground targets from an altitude of between 1,000 and 3,000 meters, using small 50kg bombs, anti-tank missiles terrestrial aerial, S-5 rockets, and cannon GSH-30 -1 30 mm cannon.

In the end, Vasilescu noted, the Su-34 is designed for close-air support would "ensure a very precise support for ground forces without causing damage outside the target.

"Aircraft ground support becomes a necessity, although only the US and Russia have the aircraft. Shortage of new aircraft for this role, Americans gave up on plans to retire 240 A-10 Thunderbolt II [built between the 70s and 80s] expand their resources until 2028. "

As for Russia, the country has a Su-25 Grach which was also introduced in the 70s and underwent several stages of modernization.

But soon, after the Su-34 will replace the armored got this plane, thereby greatly increasing ground attack capability of the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces.

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