Eligible Raptor Sign Production Line Again?

F-22 Raptor Some time ago the House Armed Services Committee's (HASC) or the Senate Armed Services Committee the United States ...
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Isolation Cooling Pipe Problem, 15 F-35 Digrounded

F-35A A total of 15 aircraft consists of 13 F-35A and a pair belonging to the Air Agkatan aircraft belonging to Norway. Defense...
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For the first time, US Send Data Location Syrian rebels to Russia

Kurdish Army United States submit data to the Russians about the location opposition group operating in Syria. This is the first time...
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Su-34 will Revolutionize Aircraft Air Support

Su-34 Russian endent military analyst in the analysis published on news sites and geopolitical analysis and quoted Voltairenet.org ...
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Known Nigeria Agrees Purchase of JF-17 Pakistan

JF-17-Pakistan The news was announced by a senior official of the Defence Export Promotion Organization (DEPO) to IHS Jane during the...
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Finally Admits Post 10 American F-15D to Israel

F15i After the signing of the largest military aid package in US history, the US Air Force confirms to transfer 10 fighter jets Boein...
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Here Tank-Tank Most Legendary Throughout History

Wikipedia_markI As written earlier on September 15, 2016 tanks have even 100 years old. A century ago for the first time tanks en...
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However, the USS Gerald R. Ford Fixed can not be underestimated

USS Gerald Ford This is the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the most expensive warships and most sophisticated ever built. Boats for US $ ...
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Nuclear North Korea Kim Can Burn Alone

Any attempt by North Korea to launch a nuclear warhead on a missile to attack the United States, South Korea or Japan rather than threate...
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SM-6 Evolved from the Missile Defense So Killer Ships

In January 2016, Ruben James confronted a team. Parked off the coast of Hawaii, the US Navy ship that has been disabled was then hit by a...
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No Vacancy, USAF 500th Fighter Pilots Shortage

US Air Force shortage of about 500 fighter pilots. This deficit is expected to grow to more than 800 in 2022. The Air Force in their ac...
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Mi-28nm will Receive Guidance System The Most Modern Weapons

Russia is creating the most modern weapons guidance system for attack helicopters Mi-28nm (mention NATO "Havoc"). "As pa...
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China's Su-35 will be equipped Irbis-E radar Newest

Moscow and China agreed to purchase 24 Su-35 fighter jets in 2015. Jet fighter who purchased Beijing will be equipped with modern radar c...
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ISIS War: Russia Test Su-35S, AS fact Bring More Bronco

ISIS wars in Iraq and Syria like being a test event in the world's greatest military power, the United States and Russia. The differe...
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Chinook will fly 100 Years

US Army plans to fly the helicopter workhorse Perng Vietnam-era CH-47 Chinook up to 100 years to continue to improve the technology platf...
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