At a speed of around 767 miles per hour, depending on temperature and humidity, the moving objects will break the sound barrier.
When World War II, the aircraft started to reach the limits of the speed of sound - though not yet able to pass through the barrier to reach supersonic speeds. Now, after more than 70 years later, military aircraft can routinely pass through the barrier at an incredible speed.
The pictures below show the visual effect is always amazing happened military plane hit the sound barrier and faster than sound itself.
F / A-18C Hornet 113 th Strike Fighter Squadron penetrated the sound barrier during a demonstration of air power over the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.
F / A-18 Super Hornet Strike Fighter Squadron 137th crashing sound barrier during a demonstration of air power over the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.
F / A-18C Hornet assigned to the 113 th Strike Fighter Squadron during a demonstration aboard the USS Carl Vinson.
F / A-18F Super Hornet Strike Fighter Squadron 2th penetrate the sound barrier while flying from the USS Ronald Reagan.
F / A-18C Hornet 113 th Strike Fighter Squadron aboard the USS Carl Vinson.
F / A-18C Hornet 113 th Strike Fighter Squadrondi on the USS Carl Vinson.
Pilot F-16 Thunderbirds US Air Force Maj. Williams did Sneak Pass as the Boston-Portsmouth Air Show at Pease Air National Guard Base.
F / A-18F Super Hornet from the Black Aces of Strike Fighter Squadron 41th penetrate the sound barrier during a demonstration of air on the USS John C. Stennis.
F / A-15 Strike Eagle US Air Force reached the sound barrier over the San Francisco Air Show.
F / A-18C Hornet 113 th Strike Fighter Squadron passed through the sound barrier over the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.
Source: Business Insider
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